The grieving process happens gradually and is a very individualized experience. It can be extremely difficult to find your new normal after a pet has passed, and I want you to know that you are not alone in your profound grief. Feelings of sadness, guilt, loneliness and devastation can be intense for some and it is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.
Please let yourself feel whatever you need to feel without self judgement. Reach out for help to Dr. Viano, family, friends, hotlines, blogs, religious figures, counselors, support groups etc. to help cope with your loss.
There are many resources available and below is a list to help you get started, it is important to find the one that suits you best, so be sure to try a few different ones.
Cornell University Pet Loss Support Hotline
Tufts University Pet Loss Support Hotline
ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline
Helpful Books:
Coping with Sorrow on the Loss of Your Pet by Moira Anderson
Goodbye, Friend: Healing Wisdom for Anyone Who Has Ever Lost a Pet by Gary Kowalski
The Grief Recovery Handbook for Pet Loss by Russell Friedman, Cole James and John W. James.
Grieving the Death of a Pet by Betty Carmack
Pawprints in the Stars: A Farewell and Journal for a Beloved Pet by Warren Hanson
Soul Comfort for Cat Lovers: Coping Wisdom for Heart and Soul After the Loss of a Beloved Feline by Liz Eastwood
The Pet Loss Companion by Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio and Nancy Saxton-Lopez
For Every Dog an Angel by Christine Davis
I Never Wanted to Say Goodbye: A Collection of Poems by Arlene Klein
The Loss of a Pet: A Guide to Coping with the Grieving Process When a Pet Dies by Wallace Sife, PhD
Going Home: Finding Peace When Pets Die by Jon Katz
A Final Act of Caring: Ending the life of an animal friend by Mary and Herb Montgomery
For Children:
Death of a Pet by Shirl and J.W. Potter, and George J. Koss
Children and Pet Loss: A Guide for Helping by Marty Tousley
Don’t Say Goodbye, Just Say See You! by Patricia A. Brill, PhD
When a Pet Dies – F. Rogers
Dog Heaven – C. Rylant
Cat Heaven – C. Rylant